Episode 207: Inspiration To Overcome Imposter Syndrome And Re-Align With Soul (Daily Inspiration)

There's something amazing that you're meant to share and the world needs your light! You probably feel the calling too (at least on some level) which is what compelled you to reach for "something more" or "something bigger" in the first place.

Most times this calling stokes the fire that keeps you going for your heartfelt pursuit.

It’s the guiding force that lights you up with inspiring ideas, opens your heart to possibility, and breathes in you the confidence to make the call, make the ask and trust in your worth (even if it’s hella scary to do so!).

Sometimes fear becomes the louder than the calling and the voice that takes over is what's referred to as "imposter syndrome". 

Imposter syndrome is a discouraging voice that says things like

"who am I to do this?"

"I don't have enough____ (money, education, experience...)"

"This won't work for me"

It questions your worthiness and causes you to doubt the path that you’re taking.

Who experiences Imposter Syndrome?

Basically anybody who’s ever pursued something heartfelt whether it be asking the guy/girl out, having a baby, starting a business, owning the calling to help others as a healer, lightworker, yoga teacher, coach…

How to deal with Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a mindset issue. There’s something that we’re believing about our situation or ourselves that’s giving it fuel.

Ex. “I’ve never succeeded in anything in my life, why would I succeed now?”

Ex. “I’m a big ‘ol ball of mess, how can I possibly help other people?”

Ex. “I don’t have my 10000000000 hour teacher training - I’m not a good enough teacher yet. Why would any studio or festival want me to teach for them?”

We’re disconnected from the truth within ourselves. We’re disconnected from our calling.

This episode is for those times when imposter syndrome got the best of you. 

It’s inspiration to help you go “oh yea!” and re-align to what lights you up. It’s a reminder of what’s true to you. Imposter Syndrome cannot survive in truth. Let the soul calling be the thing that guides you once again.

Work With Me

I would be honored to help you re-align with your soul calling so that you can bravely step into the life that you were meant for. Schedule a complimentary coaching session with me.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

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