Episode 206: Connect To Your True Nature With This Story (Daily Inspiration)

One of my favorite stories that brings me back to my sense of truth and inner connection is about a Golden Buddha. I first heard it from my favorite meditation teacher, Tara Brach and I come back to it often because far too often we lose our sense of self in our day-to-day.

We've become so accustomed to putting on different masks depending on

  • where we are (at home vs. in the office)

  • who we're with (family vs. friends vs. different groups of friends)

  • or what we're trying to get (validation, power, love...)

eventually we accidentally misidentify with these masks. I had so many masks that at one point I felt like nothing but a fragment of myself when I was with other people.

Yes, we brilliantly created these masks in the first place to get through difficulties, or hardships. There might have been a genuine time where we needed to only show our smiles but not our frowns, be polite no matter how we’re being treated, keep our wants/needs to ourselves etc.

These behaviors might have resulted in the love, validation or caretaking that we required to survive.

But the truth is, these masks are no longer needed. The journey from hereon out is to remove each mask, peel off the layers that aren’t truth and stand boldly in our light (or in this case I should say gold - you’ll get it once you listen to the episode).

As the popular quote goes

“Yoga (feel free to replace with “life”) is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”

The story that I share with you in this episode will help you recognize and reconnect to the beautiful, vulnerable and whole self of who you truly are.

“Our suffering comes when we identify with our protective covering and forget the loving awareness that’s intrinsic to our being” - Tara Brach, Radical Compassion

I hope this episode inspires you to take a moment to come back to your inner connection.


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If you're ready to stop staying stuck tight in a bud, schedule a call with me.

I know what it’s like to know that you’re meant for something bigger but feel stuck in getting there! Coaching can help you discover the fullest version of yourself and confidently step into the life that you know you're meant for.

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