Have you ever sat down to create something only to find yourself frozen, wondering if you have anything valuable to say at all? Maybe imposter syndrome sneaks in, whispering that you don’t know enough, that you’re not ready, that you should wait until you have more experience, more knowledge, more something before you put yourself out there.
Try out this one question that I share with you and let it inspire you to create even when there's doubt.
You don’t need all the answers to move through creative blocks—you just need to trust that what you have to say is worth sharing!
Doing the work that matters to your heart means that you need to show up.
Show up and share your work out into the world.
Show up even when it feels easier to hide.
Show up because every time you do, you step closer to the person you’re meant to be.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anais Nin
🎧 Hit play and let’s get going! The world needs what you’re about to create ❤️
Key Nuggets to Show Up
You don’t need to be any smarter, wiser, more loving, or more profound that you are right now. Just create from an honest place of who you really are - your heart, your soul, your essence. That's what people connect with. It moves them because it's a truth that they also recognize in the deepest part of themselves.
In This Episode:
How to stop imposter syndrome from holding you back - you have a newsletter/workshop/email...to create. Let's get it done!
One question that will help you create even in the face of doubt
Why where you're at right now is of immense value —not someday when you feel like you "know enough"
✨ No more waiting. No more overthinking. Your creativity deserves to be shared—right now, exactly as you are.
P.S. I’d love to hear what you’re working on! Send me a note at hello@curiousmonki.com or connect with me on Instagram @curiousmonnki.
P.P.S - If this episode resonated with you, leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify—it helps more people find this message!
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The best way to stay connected is through the Curious Monki Newsletter —it's where I'll keep you updated on new episodes and share extra nuggets of inspiration to keep on going toward what lights you up!