Episode 191: How She Got There: Productivity Consultant For Wellnesspreneurs with Renee Clair


Learn how to live your purpose and do what you're meant to do by listening to stories from other yoga teachers, healers, and coaches about how they first got started.

Discover what they did to first make money, how they actually got started, and how they overcame their struggles like fear and burnout along the way.

Today we hear from productivity consultant for wellnesspreneurs (and fellow yoga teacher), Renee Claire, who you heard from in Ep 190: You Can Be Productive Without The Hustle! Here Are 5 Tips To Increase Productivity Without Compromising Your Wellbeing

Talking to Renee was like soaking in a ray of sunshine! What I love about Renee’s story is how she learned to maintain a sense of wellbeing even through the challenges she went through to pursue doing what she loves. This took a willingness to understand the stress and anxiety that she was experiencing.

“I realized that my time was meant for me, not for others” was one such understanding that helped her.

Listen to discover:

  • How to maintain a sense of wellbeing even through challenges

  • How Renee went from wound-up and anxious to confidently prioritizing her self-care

  • How Renee’s past experience prepared her for what’s next

Everyone’s Journey Is Different

On Renée’s journey, she realized which relationships were serving her and made some necessary changes to her situation. This is just one of the major changes she committed to on her journey of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. But everyone’s journey is different; whether it’s starting a new career, learning a new skill, or setting new boundaries with yourself and others. 

Appreciate The Experiences That Shape Who You Are

Renée’s journey shows us that our life experiences, whether positive or negative, are constantly preparing us for what’s next. The experiences Renée has gathered along the way, such as being laid off from her job, her time at Toastmaster’s, or her yoga teacher training, are all helpful in her current work as a productivity consultant, yoga teacher, mediator, and recruiter.

See below for more key nuggets and takeaways.

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Key Nuggets: Doing What You’re Meant To Do

  1. What’s your calling/purpose? [5:50]

    To lift people up, so they can achieve their dreams.

  2. What was that moment like when you decided to go all in and fully committed to doing what you’re meant to? [6:05]

    After moving to California and going through some big life changes, I started focusing on my health and shifting my mindset, which included changing my relationships. I actually got divorced not too long after, stopped drinking so much alcohol, and eating unhealthy foods. That’s when I realized my time was meant for me and not others. 

  3. How did you start? (for real, like way before being known for your work.  Did you quit your job first or did you do it on the side?) [8:10]

    I was going to therapy and doing all the things I mentioned before.  My therapist recommended I take pen to paper and take a good hard look at what I was spending my time on. I had no idea I’d be here years later teaching people to do the same. 

  4. a.) How did you transition from a 9-5 job? [10:20]

    I quit my job.

    b.) Did you have a formal business plan?


  5. How’d you get your expenses covered?

    I’ve always had another source of income. I went from working full-time to part-time and then started creating my online yoga business. Later on, I started being a productivity consultant. The journey can ebb and flow. Three years ago, I had no clue what I’d be doing now!

  6. What was one of your earliest successes and how did it happen? [14:00]

    In 2009, I joined Toastmaster’s club because I was terrified of public speaking. I didn’t know that learning to provide people with feedback, working on how I speak, and how I lead would become a part of that. After starting a new job, my toastmaster’s club was too far away, so I got peer pressured into creating my own club. Before I knew it, I founded a toastmasters club with 40 members, and I was president for a year. The day I left, they celebrated me by having a Founder’s Day party. I was able to help others like me and gently challenge them to take a step towards giving a speech.

  7. What’s the best thing you did that helped you create this life? [18:45]

    My yoga teacher training.

  8. Top tangible action/tool that you’d recommend? [19:00]

    My time blocking guide is pretty swell.

  9. Top mindset advice that you’d recommend? [19:20]

    I keep coming back as time as an exchange of energy. A lot of us, as entrepreneurs, have a hard time charging what we’re worth. We in the wellness industry charge considerably less than other people. I would recommend taking a step back and looking at all that you’ve accomplished and know it’s ok to increase your rates. Examine your rate and go to a place that’s comfortable.

  10. What do you do to check back and make sure that this is still the path for you (ie. that helps you decide that this is all worth it?) [21:00]

    There is a beautiful prayer from a book called A Course in Miracles, and when I’m feeling tired or overwhelmed I will say this prayer: “Where will you have me go? What will you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?”


A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman

Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Rick Hanson

Connect with Renee:

If you have questions or want to learn more

Website: renee-clair.com

Instagram: @theproductivewp


“I realized my time was meant for me and not others.” - Renée Claire [07:50] 

“The thing that I check in with is am I giving up or am I choosing to let go?” - Renée Claire [17:23] 



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