When the spiritual and manifestation teachers tell you to “let go, surrender and trust” what does that even mean?? More importantly, how do you even do that??
I know that these words – let go, surrender, trust – have been uttered in my teachings as well. When it makes sense, it makes sense (think savasana after an eloquent yoga class).
But when it doesn’t make sense (ex. shit hitting the fan in your life or things not working out like how you want it to) it’s like an alien language. I’ve been there too – completely clinging without the slightest idea of how to “let go”.
In this episode we explore:
how to surrender even under non-ideal conditions like when your life isn’t working out
what it looks like when you’re resisting life
card pull at the end of the episode for a divine message! (I keep getting this card)
Also includes 2 journaling prompts to help you ease back into surrender & trust.
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