new episode

Episode 244: Trusting Your Heart Does Lead To Success with Lauren Prindiville (How She Got There)


Learn how to do more of what you love by listening to stories from other yoga teachers, healers, and coaches about how they first got started.

Discover what they did to first make money, how they actually got started, and how they overcame their struggles like fear and burnout along the way.

In this episode, Ayurveda Specialist, Lauren Prindiville, from Ep.241: How To Incorporate Ayurveda In Everyday Life shares how she created a business doing what she loves.

Part of her journey has been to leave a secure teaching job that she loved so that she could travel the world, teach yoga and share her wisdom about Ayurveda.

She’s travelled around the world to Spain, Costa Rica, Bali, and Tahiti. She’s taught Yoga Teacher Trainings and runs online courses for Ayurveda. While all of this sounds like a dream, there were some challenges in creating this life. She shares all of that plus the successes in this episode.

Listen to discover:

  • If you give yourself flexibility, you'll have more space to trust your heart

  • What Lauren did to start teaching yoga in Bali

  • How Lauren started an online course from scratch and attracted participants to take the program even though she lived in a new country where she didn't know anybody

About Lauren Prindiville

Wanderlust at heart, Lauren has been traveling, volunteering and teaching internationally for the past 5 years across Europe, North & Central America, and Asia. Lauren is a 500 + hour registered Yoga Teacher, an Ayurvedic specialist, and a YACEP instructor for courses on Ayurveda, prenatal, postnatal and kids yoga. She is now based in Tahiti and offers online trainings/courses, YTTs, and retreats.

See below for more key nuggets and takeaways.

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Key Nuggets:

1.What is your calling right now?

To share and to teach

2. There’s a moment in this journey where we must decide to go all in – we can’t stay small in a bud anymore and we must decide that we want to step up.  Sometimes it comes in the form of something big like quitting your job and other times it’s a mindset shift like mustering the courage to show up fully. What did your moment of commitment look like?

I went to school to be an elementary teacher and taught in Spain and Costa Rica. It was in Costa Rica where I started to do a lot of yoga and decided that I wanted to take my YTT.

After travelling, I figured that I needed to get a “real” job so I found a full time teaching job. I loved my job but I wanted to try and do other things. I travelled to Bali and realized that I didn’t actually want to go back to my teaching job.

It was hard but I told the school that I wasn’t going to go back.

3. Did you have a formal plan of how long you were going to do this for?

No. I gave myself the option to go back [to teaching] though.

4. What’s was one of your first successes?

I didn’t know anybody when I moved to Tahiti and I didn’t speak French so I pivoted to putting my offers online. It worked out so well that I still have online program offerings today.

5. What was one time when you really wanted to quit? What kept you going?

It was hard to be in Tahiti because I don’t speak the main language. I tried teaching English but it wasn’t really working. I figured that I can either keep trying to do everything English or I can start to learn French so that I can have friends and a life here. 

6. What has been your biggest resistance, and how did you respond to it?

I’m always trying to do too many things. I manage it by staying organized and plan for the things that I want to do.

7. What is the best thing you've done to help you create this life?

Trusting that it would work out. Sometimes my courses didn’t work out but I kept trusting and trying anyway.

8, What do you do to check back and make sure that it is still all worth it, that you're still aligned?

I take time for myself to stay balanced and I also make sure to have fun and do things that aren’t related to work.

BONUS: What is a top resource recommendation that's helped you along your journey[00:28:40] 

Happy, Healthy, Sexy by Katie Wilcox




Instagram: @lauren.islandayurveda

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Episode 243: 3 Questions to stop getting stuck in imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is the thing that makes you doubt your abilities, second guess your success, feel like a fraud....and basically just STAY SMALL.

In this episode:

  • A smarter thing to do instead of powering through imposter syndrome (which can be so tiring)

  • Sometimes imposter syndrome is actually helpful. How can you tell if it's helping or harming your progress?

  • 3 questions to help you stop staying stuck because of imposter syndrome so that you can actually move forward with creating a life of doing what you love

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is the thing that makes you doubt your abilities, second guess your success, feel like a fraud....and basically just STAY SMALL. If you’ve ever tried to do something outside of your comfort zone, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome because fear does not like things that are unfamiliar. It tries to stop you by saying things like:

- You’re not good enough

- You don’t have enough credentials yet

- So and so does it way better than you

- Nobody is going to want that from you

What stops solopreneurs from making progress in their business isn’t usually due to lack of knowledge. Chances are, there’s a fear, like imposter syndrome that stops them from taking action. If you want to create a life of doing what you love, you’ll need to learn to navigate imposter syndrome. hint - muscling through it is not the answer! (hopefully that feels like a relief to you)

In this episode:

• A smarter thing to do instead of powering through imposter syndrome (which can be so tiring)

• Sometimes imposter syndrome is actually helpful. How can you tell if it's helping or harming your progress?

• 3 questions to help you stop staying stuck because of imposter syndrome so that you can actually move forward with creating a life of doing what you love.

Work With Me

I help solopreneurs stop staying stuck in imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and fear so that they can actually move forward with building their businesses.

Want to see how 1-1 coaching might be exactly what you need to move forward?

Schedule a discovery session

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Episode 242: How to Surrender & Trust (includes 2 journal prompts to help you ease back to surrender)

When the spiritual and manifestation teachers tell you to “let go, surrender and trust” what does that even mean?? More importantly, how do you even do that??

I know that these words – let go, surrender, trust – have been uttered in my teachings as well. When it makes sense, it makes sense (think savasana after an eloquent yoga class).

But when it doesn’t make sense (ex. shit hitting the fan in your life or things not working out like how you want it to) it’s like an alien language. I’ve been there too – completely clinging without the slightest idea of how to “let go”.

In this episode we explore:

  • how to surrender even under non-ideal conditions like when your life isn’t working out

  • what it looks like when you’re resisting life

  • card pull at the end of the episode for a divine message! (I keep getting this card)

Also includes 2 journaling prompts to help you ease back into surrender & trust.

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Episode 241: Simple Ways To Incorporate Ayurveda In Everyday Life For Better Balance with Lauren Prindiville

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According to Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine originating in India, if you are balanced then you will have:

  • no food cravings

  • good sleep (ie. sleep through the night)

  • clear skin

  • clear eyes

  • balanced emotions.

In this episode, ayurvedic specialist, Lauren Prindiville, shares modern and accessible ways that you can use to bring Ayurveda into your everyday life for better balance.

She also gives practical actions that you can take to balance out the winter season (Kapha) that we're currently in.

Listen to discover:

  • What is Ayurveda and how does it work

  • What are the characteristics of each dosha (constituent) 

  • How to find out what your dosha is - air, water, fire or earth (vata, pitta or kapha)

  • Simple practices to help you balance your system based on your dosha

  • How to use the ayurvedic clock to optimize your energy levels throughout the day

About Lauren:

Wanderlust at heart, Lauren has been traveling, volunteering and teaching internationally for the past 5 years across Europe, North & Central America, and Asia. Lauren is a 500 + hour registered Yoga Teacher, an Ayurvedic specialist, and a YACEP instructor for courses on Ayurveda, prenatal, postnatal and kids yoga. She is now based in Tahiti and offers online trainings/courses, YTTs, and retreats.


Your Doshas

One of the foundations of Ayurveda are the elements that govern our balance. Depending on a variety of factors including what’s currently going on in your life you might be governed more by either of the three doshas - vatta, pitta or kapha.

The idea is to get back into balance.

Vata - Air & Space

  • Defining element: movement

  • Out of balance: digestive issues like gas & bloating

  • Pacify with: slowing down, grounding foods like root vegetables

Kapha - Earth & Water

  • Defining element: stability

  • Out of balance: heaviness, overweight, overeating, depression

  • Pacify with: warm but light food like steamed veggies, light spices like curry, movement

Pitta - Fire & Water

  • Defining element: Structure

  • Out of balance: anger, irritability, acne, eczema, psoriasis

  • Pacify with: cooling foods

Summary of the Ayurvedic Clock:

6am-10am - Kapha Time

  • waking up before Kapha time gives you most energy

  • best time to move your body

10am-2pm - Pitta Time

  • best time for focused work

2pm-6pm - Vatta Time

  • best time for creative work

6pm-10pm - Kapha Time

  • Best time to move your body

10pm-2am - Pitta Time

  • Best to sleep by 10:00pm/10:30pm for best sleep


Connect with Lauren:


Instagram: @lauren.islandayurveda

Lauren’s Offerings:

Online course info for 3 courses: online course academy, passive income + instagram -

All 3 courses

Online course academy -OCA

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Episode 239: Tips For Managing Your Energy And Prevent Burnout

Your energy is your most important and precious commodity. You can have all the time, money and friends in the world but if you don't have the energy to enjoy, you can't enjoy it.

In this episode, I share with you how you can manage your energy so that you can have the energy you want to do the things that you want.

Listen in to discover:

  • How to stop running on empty

  • How to fill up your energy tank

  • A simple 60 second way to prevent burnout

Download the 3 Exercises To Align To Your Best Path PDF 

I put the questions from this episode into a handy dandy PDF so that you can easily refer back to it. You can download it here.


You can download it here.

  • Download the Year End Questions PDF

You can download it here.

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Episode 238: Wisdom Of 2021


It's here! It's here! One of my favorite episodes is ready for your earbuds!

Every year since I started doing this podcast, I do a year end compilation of the wisdom and lessons shared from the interviews throughout the year.

The result is a jacked up episode full of inspiration from teachers, healers and experts all over the world.

It’s become a wonderful way to close off the year and it’s so much fun to look back on all of the fantastic conversations.

Here is the 4th annual compilation of wisdom and lessons shared from conversations with teachers, healers and experts throughout the year.

Listen in for a powerful boost in energy, mood, inspiration and motivation!

2021 Wisdom Themes were:

  1. Connect with soul to remember your truth

  2. Step into your true self

  3. Let go of perfectionism

  4. Alignment manifests your desires

  5. Community - humans were not meant to be alone

  6. Let go, trust and surrender

Liste in for the inspiration of 2021!


Join the Alignment Program

Stop feeling misaligned in your life, as if you are constantly paddling against the current.  Alignment is a program to help you map out your path to a meaningful life doing what you love.

Episode 237: A Simple (and quick) Way To Find Peace (Daily Inspiration)

"People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real to walk on earth. Everyday we engage in a miracle we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves...all is a miracle"

Today's Daily Inspiration is a reminder for mindfulness inspired by the guiding words of mindfulness teacher Thich Nhat Hanh.

Listen to:

  • discover a simple perspective that'll help you stop feeling like you're "a bottle being slapped here and there on the waves"

  • quickly find a sense of peace

  • reconnect with the place of stillness within you


Join the Alignment Program

Stop feeling misaligned in your life, as if you are constantly paddling against the current.  Alignment is a program to help you map out your path to a meaningful life doing what you love.

Download the 3 Exercises To Align To Your Best Path PDF 

I put the questions from this episode into a handy dandy PDF so that you can easily refer back to it. You can download it here.


You can download it here.

  • Download the Year End Questions PDF

You can download it here.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 236: Part II NYE Ritual - 3 Exercises To Help You Align To Your Best Path

Have you ever strived for something that you were certain would be amazing only to be disappointed by how anticlimactic it felt when you got there?

This happens a lot, especially with New Years goals. They tend to become either pressure filled to-do lists or saggy wish lists.

This year, do things differently and set intentions for 2022 that feel aligned.

When you create intentions that are aligned with your best path, it feels open, loving and free. It feels like your life is in EASE & FLOW.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Why traditional goal setting doesn't work

  • What do do instead

  • Be guided through 3 exercises to intentions for 2022 that are aligned to your best path


Join the Alignment Program

Stop feeling misaligned in your life, as if you are constantly paddling against the current.  Alignment is a program to help you map out your path to a meaningful life doing what you love.

Download the 3 Exercises To Align To Your Best Path PDF 

I put the questions from this episode into a handy dandy PDF so that you can easily refer back to it. You can download it here.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 235: Part I NYE Ritual - 8 Year End Questions To Let Go & Receive (Daily Inspiration)

Before you leap into the new year with goals, visions and intentions, take the time to REFLECT.

We spend so much time and energy chasing the destination that we often fail to stop and see how far we’ve come.

But it's only when we are aware of our own transformations that we can reap the nuggets of wisdom that await us.

In this episode, I guide you through 8 reflective questions that will help you receive the wisdom and lessons that this past year has brought you and to let go of what no longer serves you.

It's like clearing the year and tying up all loose ends so that you can move into the New Year refreshed and a little lighter.

Download the Year End Questions PDF 

I put the questions from this episode into a handy dandy PDF so that you can easily refer back to it. You can download it here.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 234: Stressed? 3 Mantras To Bring You Right Back To Love & Ease (Daily Inspiration)

When you get caught up in the hustle and bustle you're more susceptible to getting swept in a rabbit hole of stress and overwhelm.

Here are 3 mantras to help you drop right back into love & ease.

They work whether you're feeling irked by holiday shoppers invading your personal space or if you're feeling clobbered by too many project deadlines.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 233: Here's what to do when it feels like you're far away from your desires (Daily Inspiration)

In this episode, a reminder that creating, including the manifestation of your desires, is not a linear process. It happens in cycles. There is inner wisdom within you that can guide you to what you want with ease & flow. Forcing, hurrying and overworking is the result of being disconnected from this power within you.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 232: You Don't Have To Go Through It Alone - Here's How To Thrive In Community (Special Episode)


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“As human beings, we are not meant to be alone. We are meant to share experiences to help each other with our pains and our celebrations. It's our group experience that allows us to deepen our own personal experiences.”

- Anne Cox

I am thrilled to share with you that we’re listening to something extraordinary today on the Curious Monki Podcast!

Instead of the usual interview style, I’ve actually collected wisdom from a group of experts to focus a discussion around community and connection…which is something that so many of us desire more of (and can benefit greatly from) in our lives!

The idea for this episode was inspired during a time of feeling a heavy feeling of divide. It’s been almost 2 years since the beginning of the pandemic and many people, including myself, have felt the effects of isolation and loneliness at least once during this whole ride.

Most recently, there’s been a heavy feeling of divide amongst different opinions around the best actions to take (travel vs. don’t travel; vaccinate vs. don’t vaccinate…). Within the strong emotional charge is a feeling of separateness… an “othering” like a “me against you” mentality. This feeling of divide really didn’t sit well with me and in trying to navigate this uncomfortable energy for myself, I came up with and answer: COMMUNITY!!

Yes! The opposite of separation is COMMUNITY. That’s where we find common ground in our humanity and open up with a willingness to see, hear and value each other. At the root of it, us humans desire connection with one another. We want to feel seen, heard, and valued for who we are.

Whenever I’ve experienced a great challenge in my life, the yoga mat is where I go to be held in sacred space where I can just be and feel safe even in my struggles. Specifically, I go to a yoga studio where I know that I’m welcomed just as I am - no fixing, no judgement, no prescribing…just loving space where I can be seen for everything that I am.

Today’s guests are yoga studio owners and/or yoga teachers from some of my favorite local Calgary YYC yoga studios! They have graciously shared their heartfelt experiences around being in and/or creating community, including a little about what it’s been like to run their yoga studios.

Listen to discover:

  • How community can help you find your authentic selves and higher purpose

  • 3 important questions to ask yourself so that you can find the right kind of community for you

  • No man is an island. Both happiness and loneliness deserve to be shared since they are all integral human experiences. 

  • In the midst of a pandemic, community and connection are helping businesses (like yoga studios) stay strong and afloat

Key Nuggets:

[00: 00- 14:44] Community, Connection and the Loneliness Crisis

[14: 45- 24:52] Seeing Ourselves within Each Other (Anne Cox of YogaMCC)

[24: 53-34: 19 ] Community For Accountability & Strength (Candace Cooke of Yoga Santosha)

[34: 20- 41: 01 ] Checking In With Your People (Kristin Jostad of Yoga Passage)

[41: 02- 50: 42 ] Community as a Healing Space  (Kristine Murphy of Pure Hot Yoga)

[50: 43- 51: 50  ] How Do You Want to Feel?

[51: 51- 59:57 ] How do you want to be supported in community? 3 important questions to help you find the right community for you


Anne Cox, Yoga MCC

Anne is the manager of YogaMCC. She began her yoga journey in 1997 to manage back pain and chronic headaches. Starting with restorative yoga classes, she found that the simplest poses could be the most profound. Anne certified herself as a yoga teacher in 2004 with the Southern Okanagan Yoga Association and RYT 500 hour with Yoga Alliance. Her speciality is yoga therapy, working with physical and emotional stress caused by illness, injury, and the pressures of everyday life.

Candace Cooke, Yoga Santosha

I opened Yoga Santosha in 2007 with my husband Alastair. I have been practicing yoga for about 25 years now and teaching for 21. It feels like I have been doing both for my whole life. I love teaching and leading yoga teacher training's as well as leading yoga retreats, especially in far off tropical locations. Our yoga community has kept us feeling connected to people throughout the pandemic and we are incredibly grateful to all who continue to join us either virtually or in person. We look forward to the day when we can all gather again without any restrictions.

Kristin Jostad, Passage Studios

Kristin is the owner of Yoga Passage, and Passage Studios. Often referred to as the Inner City Sweat Sanctuary, this hub fosters community, and a love for sweat therapy.
Kristin started her path to building her knowledge around strength and flexibility over 20 years ago. Her classes speak to connection to yourself, while strengthening the body, in turn elevating our own healing capacity to become clear vessels of possibility.

Kristine Murphy, Pure Hot Yoga

Kristine is the CEO & Founder of Pure Hot Yoga. Her journey into yoga began after taking her first hot yoga class to help with the constant pain she was experiencing from her years as an athlete. Going through the most difficult period of her life, she finally experienced the mental and spiritual side of yoga. She found that through yoga, she became more grounded, calmer and more focused. She became drawn to the practice for her mind, spirit, and being. It allowed her to live in the present and become a happier, more committed and centered person. Today she shares her passion and LOVE with others.

[00: 00- 14:44] Community, Connection and the Loneliness Crisis

•      My realization of the power of community when I first started my entrepreneurial journey and realized what a lonely path it could be

o   I wanted to find someone who was like-minded, understood my entrepreneurial journey, and be able to maybe support me without projecting their fears and uncertainties for me

o   Finding a group of people that I could really lean on for support

o   Developing the same type of support network when I started out as a life coach

•      What many people who are in the wellness world has revealed to me as one of the major things they really aspire for

o   Having a community and connection, a group of people they can brainstorm ideas together with and know what exactly they are going through

•      How the pandemic added to the feelings of isolation, divisiveness, and loneliness among people

o   According to Dr. Vivek Murthy, loneliness carries a stigma, and that people who feel lonely feel ashamed to admit it.

o   There’s a feeling of great divide among people because of COVID19 (people are constantly debating whether getting the vaccine is a good idea or not) and that inspired me to start a conversation around community

  • What we want at the end of the day as human beings are to build connection with each other and feel belonging within a safe space.

  •  Doing yoga and going to a yoga studio helped me get through the most challenging times of my life.

[14: 45- 24:52] Seeing Ourselves within Each Other (Anne Cox of YogaMCC)

  • ·         Anne Cox shares her beginnings at YogaMCC and how she felt supported and welcomed by the new community she belongs a community that feels like a second family

o   Accepting oneself and accepting others are pivotal steps in becoming part of a community

o   Practice together, learn together, and share together

o   Being part of a community is having the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves

o   Only through sharing our experiences, whether good or bad, can we practice empathy and compassion for others

  • ·         How the yoga community weathered the storm in a pandemic

o   Finding creative ways to stay connected to the community was a way of stepping up when the pandemic hit

o   Alter, adapt, and persevere

o   Community is about to give and take. Supporting one another in the face of heightened fears and confusions.

o   It is helpful to allow for differences among members of the community as each one of us is our own person

o   The power of one becomes the power of many

  • ·         The world heals when we see ourselves in each other and we become compassionate with one another

[24: 53-34: 19 ] ] Community For Accountability & Strength (Candace Cooke of Yoga Santosha)

  • ·         Candace sees the beauty in being able to continue the activities of the yoga community amid the pandemic

o   There is a sense of commitment among the members to continue what they have been doing in the past by finding their feet on the virtual platform

  • ·         Having the commitment to a certain community buoys people up to hold each other even stronger

o   Committing yourself to something and sticking to that commitment makes you feel better

o   Commitment helps us feel more connected, whole, and into the moment

o   Personally, I feel more confident facing life's endeavors when I know someone or a group is rallying behind me and supporting my efforts to remain whole, connected, and present.

[34: 20- 41: 01 ] Check In With Your People (Kristin Jostad of Yoga Passage)

  • Kristin relates how she moved to Canada knowing just a single person and how the yoga community revolutionized her life

  • Kristin recounts that a sense of community allows her to have perspective over her obstacles

  • It serves as a catalyst for us to go beyond our own interests as we start showing up for other people

  • How can you check in with other members of the community? How would you like them to check in with you too?

[41: 02- 50: 42 ] Community as a Healing Space  (Kristine Murphy of Pure Hot Yoga)

  • Kristine shares that she wanted to create not just a yoga studio but also a safe space for healing, sharing, opening up, and building friendships for and among people regardless of their backgrounds

  • She narrates the challenges of teaching yoga online during the initial lockdowns

  • How she overcame the isolating feeling of not being able to connect enough through the screen when teaching 

  • Yoga is a mental health savior

  • Treating people in the community as her family

  • Anything is possible when there is support around. 

[50: 43- 51: 50  ] How Do You Want to Feel?

  • How you feel determines whether you landed in the right community or not.

[51: 51- 59:57 ] How do you want to be supported in community? 3 important questions to help you find the right community for you


Connect with today’s Guests:

Visit Anne Cox at Yoga MCC

Visit Candace Cooke at Yoga Santosha

Visit Kristin Jostad at Yoga Passage

Visit Kristine Murphy at Pure Hot Yoga


“As human beings, we are not meant to be alone. We are meant to share experiences to help each other with our pains and our celebrations. It's our group experience that allows us to deepen our own personal experiences.” - Anne Cox

“There's this power in being around like-minded people.” - Veronica Thai

“We all want connection, to be seen, to be understood, to be heard, to be validated, and in communion with other human beings in a safe space. At the end of the day, we can all agree that that's something that we could benefit from if we had it in our lives, right. Community, not community to create a bigger divide, not community to justify our stance, but more of a peaceful community to be seen.” - Veronica Thai

“When you commit to a community, you also commit more deeply to yourself.” - Candace Cooke

“Word of mouth is more powerful than any ad.” - Kristin Jostad

“It’s during the hardest, most challenging times we grow the most.” - Kristine Murphy

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Episode 231: How To Take Creative Soul Inspired Action


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"[it's about] doing hard things so we can grow into the full creative capacity of our souls" - Simone Grace Seol

In this episode I offer up one question that can help shift your perspective from 

hustle --> ease

striving --> living

stress led --> soul led

controlling --> inspired action

It's not really about the money or success.  It's about if you get there with acts of fear or acts of creative soul inspired actions. 

Join the Curious Monki Newsletter to receive more inspiration and exclusive resources

Let’s get connected! 

Find me on Instagram @curiousmonki. Visit my website

LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone you know who wants inspiration to pursue their purpose, and is passionate about the exploration of yoga and self-healing. You can listen to the Curious Monki Podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.


Episode 230: There Are Limitless Possibilities To Create The Life You Love with Jessica Dimas (How She Got There)


Learn how to do more of what you love by listening to stories from other yoga teachers, healers, and coaches about how they first got started.

Discover what they did to first make money, how they actually got started, and how they overcame their struggles like fear and burnout along the way.

Today Jessica Dimas, author of the self-care blog Dwell In Magic, returns to discuss her spirit-led journey into entrepreneurship.

In part two of this intimate conversation, Jessica discusses the mindset shifts she made to grow her blog, how she maintains authenticity and why quitting isn’t failure but simply a redirection.

Listen to discover:

  • How to use joy as a compass to guide you through challenges as an entrepreneur. 

  • The #1 question that Jessica asks herself before she makes a decision. 

  • Being spirit-led doesn't mean you're immune to the demands of running a business. Jessica reveals how she manages the pressure to "show up" daily.  

  • Intuitively we know that we are enough. Jessica shares how this belief helped her in every stage of her business.

About Jessica Dimas

Jessica is a spiritual self-care blogger and creator of the popular blog Dwell In Magic,. She writes about connecting with your higher self, uncovering who you really are, and finding the inner stillness that’s always within you.

See below for more key nuggets and takeaways.

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Key Nuggets:

What is your calling right now? [00:05:40] 

I'm surrendering and showing up every day as an observer. I'm watching and feeling life without the need to identify myself by it. 

What was the moment like when you decided to commit to doing what you're meant to do fully? [09:03] 

For me, it was a mindset shift rather than a definite commitment. I started out working at a shelter for women with abusive partners. I became pregnant and was going to go back to work but I couldn’t because I wanted to be with my baby all the time! I ended up staying home and my husband got two jobs. I was already at home so it’s not like I had to quit a job. But I needed the mindset shift to believe that I’m worthy enough to write, I’m worthy enough to make money from ads, I’m worthy enough to do it.

When you first started writing, was it because you felt called to write or believed that it could turn into a business? [00:14:05]

I didn't know anything in the beginning - besides that it felt good.  I didn't think about it ever turning into a business. I figured it was an online diary, and that is how it started. I shared recipes and put them on my blog -I totally took a Martha Stewart recipe and put it on my blog. I didn't know any of the legalities. I've had to go back and fix those things. Blogging started as a way of documenting my day. 

What was one time when you really wanted to quit? What kept you going? [00:15:56] 

I don't think I've ever felt like quitting. I did stop writing about parenting.. That could be considered quitting because I didn't want to do that anymore.

When I didn't want to write about parenting I kept going by starting a new website and I increasingly started writing more and more self-care articles.  

What has been your biggest resistance, and how did you respond to it? [00:19:51]

The biggest resistance I've had is just the fact that in our industry, we're told to show up every day. When you're seeing other people showing up, you're like, "dang, they're creating so much content, and I'm not." I am not a daily Creator. My resistance is that I feel guilty, like I'm not doing enough. But the other part of me says it's okay! I'm a human, not a machine. I need time to replenish. 

I also take breaks. I may not write a blog post for three months; however, I'm always behind the scenes doing stuff. I also focus on writing SEO content to get consistent traffic from Google. I'm never abandoning my blog completely. I'll take time away from writing new content. 

What is the best thing you've done to help you create this life? [00:24:45]

Believe that it's possible. I do this by clarifying what I don't want to experience anymore. Once I get that out - I am clearer on what I do want to experience. That is the biggest thing I've done because I'm not one of those entrepreneurs who has spent thousands and thousands of dollars in courses or mentorships.

What do you do to check back and make sure that it is still all worth it, that you're still aligned? [00:27:36]

I ask myself, how much fun am I having, and if it feels good? 

I also ask myself, if I could have things the way I want them, would I still be including this and my life, like if I had all the money in the world, would I still be writing Dwell In Magic? 

What is a top resource recommendation that's helped you along your journey[00:28:40] 

Abraham Hicks 



Visit Jesica’s blog: Dwell In Magic

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Episode 229: An Easy And Soothing Way To Surrender (Daily Inspiration)

Have you ever realized that you're getting caught up in the whirlwind of doing too much but you don't know how to stop?

You know that self-care is important and that it's probably a good idea to slow down, surrender and be in the present moment... but you can't seem to unclench.

In this episode, I give you an easy, simple and soothing way to surrender.  While vacations and spa visits are great, this way that I show you is more immediate and accessible to help bring you back to a sense of peace.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 228: Connecting With Your Higher Self & Dwelling In the Magic with Jessica Dimas


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““I thought being a cynic made me super smart and cool...but I looked at people who saw the bright side of things and [it made me realize that]...I was basically in a victim mindset. So I shifted into an empowered mindset...and when I did that, it was just mindblowing how everything in my life shifted and the things that I used to feel victimized by, it just stopped showing up in my experience completely!” - Jessica Dimas

In this episode I talk with author of the spiritual self-care blog Dwell In Magic, Jessica Dimas, about connecting to your highest self, manifesting and how to dwell in the magic. Jessica shares her story about  how she visualized what she wanted, owned her power, and went from using food stamps to running a successful blog. 

Listen to discover:

  • How to connect with your highest self for answers through dreams

  • How to shift the narrative inside your head so that you can tune into better feeling thoughts

  • How to manifest even if you’re too attached to your desire because you really, really, reallllyyy want it

  • How your joy is more powerful than you think

About Jessica:

Jessica Dimas is a spiritual self-care blogger and creator of the website Dwell in Magic. She writes about connecting with your higher self, uncovering who you really are, and finding the inner stillness that’s always within you.

The Story

Jessica was a mom with a victim mindset who learned about self-care when her family hit rock-bottom and faced a difficult and scary financial situation. Determined to stop feeling like she wasn’t good enough, Jessica started to learn more about self-care and healing. She shifted her victim mentality mindset and practiced noticing more of what was going right. As a result, she started living a better life. Eventually she started the Dwell In Magic blog.


[7:44-8:55] Starting a successful blog Dwell In Magic

I had been writing more of a mommy blog before that as you should call it. More of a parenting site and I started getting to that phase where you know, I had a baby and a toddler and I was drained. I started wanted more time for myself. I started learning about self-care and it helped me make more time for myself. My husband would watch the kids and I would shut the door. I started just like getting to know myself and the healing part for myself and it just developed into something so much more. I didn’t want to write about parenting anymore and I just wanted to start writing about this new phase that I was in. That's where Dwell in Magic was created on . Like coming into yourself, getting to know yourself, deepening. and what turned out for me, turned into like a whole spiritual path.

[10:58-11:20] What was the shift in your life that changed that perspective?

We were like hitting financial rock bottom. I was scared - all the old feelings that I always had like "I'm not enough", "this always happens to me", "life is unfair", “I don’t have enough money” kept coming up. I felt shame but I didn’t want to feel like that anymore!

[14:37-15:15] What did you change so that you could start changing the narrative inside your head?

It felt way better to think about things that I was grateful for, to visualize having what I wanted instead of going to bed thinking about the horrible things that could happen to me and going to be thinking "oh, life sucks! Nothing's there for me!" I started thinking of the things I was grateful for. Instead of feeling ashamed that we were using food stamps, I was like "I'm so grateful that it was available for me right now", “I have food in the fridge”.. Like I'm so grateful for that!. That felt so much better to think that! 

[21:02-21:25] Connecting with your higher self through dreams

To connect, I ask my higher self a question before I go to sleep either for my higher self to give me an answer to help eliminate something for me. It’s fascinating the answers that will come through.

[37:08-38:10] Signs of spiritual awakening

I think it is very simple but I can only speak from my experience. Spiritual awakening can be a big obvious thing in your face or it can be subtle.

[47:58-48:27] The biggest lesson that you’ve learned along the way

Surrender and trust no matter the situation works all the time. Hand it over to your highest self and trust that everything will unfold for everyone’s highest good.

Journaling can help but even just a simple acknowledgement works.

[47:58-48:27] A nugget of wisdom for fellow seekers who are also on this journey of growth and transformation

Trust yourself, trust what you feel. Don’t feel like others have it all figured out b/c they don’t. They also get their answers from their higher selves. What you desire to learn about is also the direction that you’re meant to go in.


  • This episode is brought to you by Offering Tree. If you're looking for an all-in-one business platform to put your wellness brand online, use my link to get a special discount

  • Speakers Mentioned: Abraham Hicks

  • Book recommendation: Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley

  • Book recommendation: A Course In Miracles

Connect with Jessica:

Visit Jessica’s blog: Dwell In Magic


The message I got was "Owning your Power”. like realizing that  the tape you were playing constantly is what's narrating your whole reality.” [12:00-12:08]  ~Jessica

“The real trick in bringing to life something that you actually want to create is changing those thoughts, and changing the way that you perceive your reality.” [13:25-13:34] ~Veronica

”Connecting with your higher self is pure magic and it's so... I felt it's just like an ever expanding thing you know. Like it never ends. You're always learning and growing more with this connection that you have with your higher self.” [19:49-20:09] ~Jessica

There's always so much more underneath the surface than we give credit for, there's always something there for you. That's how I see spiritual seeking.” [27:57-28:10] ~Jessica

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Episode 227: Energy Leaks & A Quick Way To Fix Them (Daily Inspiration)

In today's episode, I share one of my favorite practices to help keep your energy in check so that you don't feel like a used sponge by the end of the day. This is a practice that I share with clients and also use on myself every single morning. It's one of the worst feelings to feel depleted, like you're just a bystander in your own life because you don't even have the energy to fully participate in it. Yuck! Nobody wants that. Listen in to see how you can nip energy depletion in the bud.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me

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Episode 226: You don't have to sacrifice everything to follow your dreams with Ashley Sondergaard (How She Got There)


"You need to just get out there and do it and celebrate the wins. And if it's messy that's okay because you're trying it out with people that lights you up. Trust that you can do it and that you can grow." - Ashley Sondergaard

Learn how to do more of what you love by listening to stories from other yoga teachers, healers, and coaches about how they first got started.

Discover what they did to first make money, how they actually got started, and how they overcame their struggles like fear and burnout along the way.

Today we hear from self-care coach and host of the Yoga Magic Podcast, Ashley Sondergaard, who you heard from in Ep. 224 - Cultivating a Life of Self Compassion.

Ashley felt the desire to help people with their self-care…maybe become a self-care coach or something. The fear part of her told her “it's a silly idea” and “there are already so many people doing that already” but she went and did it anyway. Today, she lives her desire of helping cultivate self-care.

This episode is about how she did it - how she overcame the fear, how she started and lessons learned from other challenges encountered.

Whether you're someone who's feeling inadequate, hating your job and trying to find your purpose, Ashley’s story will be of great value to help you move forward!

In this episode, discover:

  • How to create a life of doing what you love without having to give up what you aren’t willing to do.

  • How self-compassion pushed the button for Ashley to start chasing her dream of becoming a self-care coach

  • A deeper understanding of how to break-free on the chains and challenges of self-resistance and use it to your advantage

About Ashley Sondergaard

Ashley Sondergaard is a self care coach, yoga teacher, astrologer and host of the Yoga Magic podcast. For 9 years, she has studied yoga, meditation, astrology and mindfulness practices that prioritize self-care and self-discovery. After having her two girls, Ashley discovered the hard way that taking care of yourself first is the only way to take care of others. Today, she supports her students & clients in up leveling their everyday routines into magical self-care rituals.

Finding your purpose and what you're willing to sacrifice for your dreams.

Following your dreams doesn’t mean that you need to give up absolutely everything in your life. It’s just as important to consider what you’re NOT willing to give up (ex. spending time with your kids in Ashley’s case) as it is to consider what you ARE willing to give up (ex. socializing time with friends). Listen to [10:58} for more.

See below for more key nuggets and takeaways.

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Key Nuggets: Doing What You’re Meant To Do

 1. What is your calling right now? [5:50]

I feel called to educate and empower women, especially mothers to prioritize themselves first. I've seen firsthand what it looks like to put everyone else before ourselves and what it also looks like to prioritize ourselves and how that makes everyone’s lives much fuller. There's so much more love to give when you're in a place of fullness as a mother, as a female.

2. Tell us about how you built your podcast [7:45]

A couple of years ago my husband asked me what I wanted to do and I answered “I want to help people with self care”. The idea seemed silly but it kept coming back. It kept knocking at the door and it got so loud that I was like “okay, I’ll do it today!”. I bought a mic and started recording.

3. How did you start? [12:58]

I was teaching yoga and managing yoga studios for about 8 years. We got requests all the time for private classes, things like Bachelorette parties, private workshops and stuff but the studio that I worked for didn’t do those requests. So the business idea for yoga for brides and weddings came to me and I stepped back from a leadership role in the studio to do it. That idea actually didn’t work out! But I hired a coach who helped me hone into my brand Yoga Magic where I can help people with their self-care.

When I started coaching, I opened up programs and a mentorship program with a few sessions at a pretty reduced cost. Doing those initial sessions, I learned a lot about just believing that I could do it. We all know there's so much impostor syndrome as entrepreneurs, coaches and astrologers. There's just so much of that! When I started wellness coaching, I opened up programs and a mentorship program with a few sessions at a pretty reduced cost. And from there, they were so awesome and helpful and I learned a lot about just believing that I could do it. We all know there's so much impostor syndrome as entrepreneurs, coaches and astrologers. There's just so much of that! [19:06]

4. Did you have a formal plan of how long you were going to do this for? [26:00]

Income wise, there's some reality in not necessarily knowing what's coming in. I do have a timeline that's like, this is going to be a thing or it's not, and I'm okay with that. That plan to me is kind of non existent because I just know it's going work. It's like I have a limit but I know I'm not going to need it.

5. How did you get your expenses covered? [27:36]

Luckily, I do have a partner who's able to help with the expenses and I do consider my role, my job as a mother to be extremely beneficial to our family and so that feels like a really good balance. I know that not everyone has that amazing privilege of sharing the expenses. The mindset for me has been challenging because sometimes I feel like if I'm not making the exact amount in contributing to the family in some way, then I'm not winning.

6. What was one time when you really wanted to quit? What helped you keep going? [32:32]

When we were all in lockdown and my kids were at home full time and I was trying to work full time while my husband worked in a nursing home and the reality for him was really scary. When that was happening, the reality for me was that my job should be on the backburner. It just had to be and the kids needed to be taken care of. I could've just easily said that I don't want to do this anymore but I didn't. And when things came back online and the doors had opened up again to the outside world, I was so much more hungry for it. I think I would have felt really burned out in that evolution of business. But because I had this forced slow down, I was just like, Yeah, let's go!". And so it was a gift in the end.

7. What’s was one of your first successes? [30:50]

It’s not tangible but when I started to connect with people on the podcast, especially people that I admired, I felt that fire. I felt that magic. And it was so good! It was just like a dream! That felt so in alignment. Those moments are just beyond anything I could've really imagined! That exchange of energy with these people was like another step forward to me. And they gave me the confidence to continue doing this work and now I get to be that person to others and that's just so amazing!

8. What’s your biggest resistance and how do you respond to it? [35:03]

I love to organize since I'm very Capricorn moon. We like to get business done, but sometimes I tend to organize instead of doing things. I could make a list of my day for an hour, and then not actually do most of the things on the list and that's my resistance but I know that about myself and I've been working on it.

9. What do you do to check back and make sure that this is still the path for you (i.e., that helps you decide that this is all worth it? [36:06]

It’s a gut feeling. It’s an intuition check. For me, I feel the joy and I feel that intuition come through in my gut. It's that excited feeling when you're anticipating something that you can't see. That's when I know I'm still on the right path.

11. What is a book, podcast, person, or teacher you would recommend?

  • Book: Happy Pocket Full Of Money by David Cameron Gikandi

  • Book: Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying by Bronnie Ware


  • Book: You were Born for This By Chani Nicholas

Connect with Ashley:


Instagram: & @yogamagicpodcast

Listen to Ashley’s podcast Yoga Magic with Ashley Sondergaard and explore the world of self-care and self-discovery


"I was looking at what I wasn't willing to give up. I got really clear on that fact that I don't want to give up my role as a super engaged parent, as a mother who loves to mother. That's something I'm not going to give up. " 11:20

"Celebrating those wins and yet you got to just get out there and do it. And if it's messy that's okay because you're trying it out with people that lights you up. Trust that you can do it and that you can grow." 20:15

"We are all in different seasons and different cycles of life and this is just my time to grow and build and to see things coming into play." 29:14

"Keep doing it and keep being consistent." 16:53

"And when I got really clear about the sacrifices, the things that I was willing to give up in order to chase my dreams, the direction became that much clearer." 11:38

"I learned a lot about just believing that I can do it."  19:36

"If it doesn't light you up, don't force it just because you started it and you feel like you have to finish." 21:27

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Episode 225: Staying Small Won't Let You Become All That You Can Be (Daily Inspiration)

When you follow what’s true to you, there are days when things feel hard and you might even feel discouraged. Following your truth is liberating but it’s certainly not the easy path. The easy path is comfortable and you get to just follow along but it also keeps you small.  You aren't challenged or stretched.  You don't get to expand into all that you might become.

Following what's true to you challenges how you view yourself and the world.  It pushes you (lovingly) to expand into who you really are.

For the times when it feels discouraging, I like to lean on Steven Pressfield’s words from his book The War Of Art

“Late at night have you experienced a vision of the person you might become, the work you could accomplish, the realized being you were meant to be? Are you the writer who doesn’t write, a painter who doesn’t paint, an entrepreneur who never starts a venture? Then you know what Resistance is”

This episode is inspiration for the days when it feels hard and you find yourself becoming small and stuck tight in a bud again.

Work With Me

Let's get you some coaching so that you can stop staying stuck tight in a bud.

Coaching helps you create a stronger sense of inner connection so that you can remember how amazing you are more often than not. As a result, you’ll step into the fullest version of yourself and have the confidence to live the life that you know you're meant for.

Schedule a complimentary discovery coaching session with me


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Episode 224: Cultivating a Life of Self Compassion with Ashley Sondergaard


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“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self to the self… What we really truly desire, want,

and crave that could actually fulfill us is when we settle back into our own wholeness.” -

Veronica Thai

In this episode of the Curious Monki Podcast, Ashley Sondergaard and I have an amazing conversation about creating more self-compassion, how practicing self-care doesn’t automatically cultivate self-compassion in your life, and tools that we use to elevate our self-care. 

About Ashley:

Ashley Sondergaard is a self care coach, yoga teacher, astrologer and host of the Yoga Magic podcast. For 9 years, she has studied yoga, meditation, astrology and mindfulness practices that prioritize self-care and self-discovery. After having her two girls, Ashley discovered the hard way that taking care of yourself first is the only way to take care of others. Today, she supports her students & clients in up leveling their everyday routines into magical self-care rituals.


[00:01 – 05:19] Recovering Perfectionists and Ex-Hustlers 

  • Ashley and I introduce ourselves 

[05:20  – 16:21] The Biggest Life Shifts When We Stopped Hustling 

  • How I switched from hustle to ease

    • Having to first uncover what ease and flow really meant 

    • Starting in school, the pressure to get 100% marks and the nagging urge of never being enough carried itself into the corporate world, overworking, always wanting the next position, never being satisfied with which rung in the corporate ladder I stood on  

    • Bringing the hustle mentality into my yoga business 

    • How my life shifted when I hired my first coach 

  • How Ashley hustled for a pipe dream that wasn’t even hers 

    • Getting off the structured corporate pathway she was on enabled her to question what she really wanted  

  • We are not linear beings 

[16:22 – 26:48] Are We There Yet? 

  • Divine feminine and masculine energy and how to ground yourself when you’re getting impatient with your process

    • Hustling starts in your mind

    • What are you making it mean? 

  • Ashley and I share where we want to bring more self-compassion into our lives 

    • When something fearful or uncomfortable happens, our instinct is to want to breathe it away, but sometimes letting it stay and heal on its own is the best form of self-compassion 

    • How Ashley learns about herself through astrology, where she thrives, is challenged, how she interacts with the world and the people around her

[31:35 – 41:39] Self Compassion Means Embracing All OThe Pieces of Yourself 

  • Ashley and I dive deeper into astrology 

    • Ascendant and descendant signs 

      • As a life coach, you probably attract a lot of clients that have the energy of your descendant

  • Looking at birth charts to help navigate self-care

    • The sun is your essence, your identity, and where you're shining the brightest. Use your sun sign to determine your physical practices 

[41:40 – 52:27] Our Biggest Self Compassion and Spiritual Journey Lessons 

  • Ashley 

    • Know yourself

    • Don't shit on yourself 

    • Trust the process

    • We are more powerful than we realize 

  • Veronica

    • Yoga is the journey of self 

    • Hold space for yourself 

    • Breathe 

    • Be with the fear

[52:27 – 53:43] Closing Segment

  • Connect with Ashley Sondergaard! (Her links are below)   


Connect with Ashley:


Instagram: & @yogamagicpodcast

Listen to Ashley’s podcast Yoga Magic with Ashley Sondergaard and explore the world of self-care and self-discovery


“When I look at a birth chart, whether it be mine, my partners, my kids, my friends, or my family, I get to see who they are at their essence. And that's not always like good or bad. There are spectrums to every part of the chart and what we choose to embody. Whatever we decide to take on at that moment is really up to us.” -  Ashley Sondergaard

 “When I first quit my job, started teaching yoga and a podcast, thinking I'm now aligned, I still brought in that habit of hustle… It was highly unhealthy and it was that self-pressure of not being able to stop until you reach a certain point. And it wasn't until I hired my very first coach, who was fantastic, that she broke that mentality for me.” - Veronica Thai 

“We are not linear beings, we are human beings, we're part of nature, which means that we're cyclical, just like how the seasons change from season to season, just like how trees change with the seasons, leaves grow, leaves fall off. We are human.” -  Veronica Thai 

“Coaches need coaches too.” -  Ashley Sondergaard 

“My biggest lessons for self-compassion is to know yourself, don't sh*t on yourself, and just trust the process.” -  Ashley Sondergaard

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