Episode 112: Stop Burning Out! Utilize Play and Creativity to Work A Whole Lot Less with Lisa Murray

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Lisa Murray, Business + Creativity Coach and the founder of Creative Alchemi, has a fantastic vision to make living into a playful, satisfying adventure rather than a predictable daily grind. 

…and she knows about the daily grind. She herself has experienced burnout three times in her life. It happened so many times because she didn’t know to even identify her state as “burnout”. The thing is, you can get so used to being in a certain state that you’re not aware that something is wrong.

Burnout feels and looks different for everyone. One common determining factor, and also what distinguishes burnout from general fatigue, is that it feels the same way day in and day out. Fatigue is temporary and you eventually get your energy back.

What’s riveting is what the burnout can be telling you. As Lisa learned, one reason why you may burnout is because you’re dishonoring your soul….you’re dishonoring who you really are and it’s trying to point you in the right direction.

In this episode, Lisa shares with us what she’s learned about burnout, creativity and play. Burnout can be a sign of dishonoring your soul and creativity and play are outlets to allow you fully express yourself. Understanding each of these elements can bring a whole lot more ease into your life! 

At the deeper layer lies a conversation about self worth, owning who you really are and honoring the full expression of yourself and your soul. 

Listen in to see what the connection is between burnout, creativity, play and how to use them to your advantage!

Topic Summary:

  • Burnout - what it looks like, why you burnout

  • Creativity - creative energy is life energy

  • Play - what the heck even is play?? Why do it, how to do it

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Key Nuggets:

  • To live a life you love be willing to choose what you want even if others may not agree

    • This is how Lisa stepped into the incredible work that she does today. She realized that she had to choose what makes her happy rather than what people were telling her to do.


  • Lisa’s been burned out three times.  Before she realized what it was, she couldn’t even identify because we can get so used to being in a certain state we don’t realize that something is wrong.

  • Burnout, unlike general fatigue, feels the same way day in and day out. Fatigue is temporary and eventually fades.

  • For Lisa, being burned out felt like: Dead inside, so physically tired, low tolerance, self judgement off the charts

  • Why would we burnout:

    • Making decisions that aren’t right for us

    • A message for you to look at a part of who you are that wants to be looked at.  It’s not just your body, it’s also your being.

    • An indication that you’re stepping too far way from who you really are

    • An indication of a dishonoring of your soul.

  • Some people refuse to admit burnout because it means that something in their life has to change

  • The change doesn’t have to be scary though - you don’t need to rip your whole life apart! You don’t need to give up everything. Start small.

  • Get honest with yourself.  Once you know what you want to ask for, ask how to create what you’re actually asking for.

  • Compare the feelings of burnout to the feeling of alignment…that feeling of when you are being who you really are - this is what alignment feels like for Lisa:

    energized, aliveness that goes deeper than physical, alignment, synchronicity, flow, gives herself space when she needs to, more confidence, more self expression, okay with not knowing


  • Creative energy is life energy

  • It’s about having presence in the moment and allowing yourself to choose what you really want. Allowing yourself to live in the creative moment.

  • Experiment with what makes you feel heavy versus light.  If it feels lighter, then maybe there’s something there to explore!


  • To play easily and joyfully you need to let go of the mind

  • Play is unplanned, spontaneous fun. Kids don’t work out how to play before they play. They just do!

  • Another key to play is that there’s no expectation of an outcome. Think about animals (who absolutely know how to play). There’s no purpose to it other than it feels good!

  • In essence, this is a mindfulness practice.

Lisa’s tips for bringing more creativity + play into your life:

  • Travel – unplanned, unscheduled travel

  • Self expression – often we’re not allowed to self expressed because we’re said that we have to be a certain way

  • Go into nature and receive everything that’s there. Watch and observe how nature creates

One of Your Biggest Lessons So Far:

Don’t work so hard.  Be still, peaceful and present until you know what inspired action will make the greatest difference.  Work a whole lot less and make more impact! Working in this way will bring a lot more ease into your life

The gifts that com with starting are really rewarding

What is one nugget of wisdom that you would share with fellow seekers who are on this journey of growth and transformation?

You can always make a different choice.  Even if you think that you have NO choice, there’s always a different choice!  Choice is like a lever that opens invisible doors.


If you have any questions for Melanie or want to learn more, connect with her through:

Website:  https://www.lisamurray.co/

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