Life Coach. Yoga Instructor. Podcaster.
Advocating for your happiness. Here's to truth, courage and leaps of faith.
Let's wake up together. Ignite, illuminate and spark a movement. Heart work and expand. Discover, learn and grow.
Hello & Welcome
If you have found that you’re not where you want to be in
life, are feeling stuck about your next step, and yearn
for something more, you’ve landed in the right place!
I help heart centered people have the courage to live as
their fullest selves so that they can get out there and share
all the amazing things that they were meant to!
If it feels like you’re meant for something more….something bigger, it’s because you are. I can confirm that for you with one thousand percent certainty.
If it’s anything I’ve learned along the way, it’s that we’re all here on purpose, for a purpose. No exceptions.
You absolutely have something special to offer and it’s going to make this world so much brighter when you share this gift!
It’s just a matter if you’re willing to remove the barriers (you probably know them well - self doubt, unworthiness, not enough syndrome among other fears) that are holding you back from what you really want.
The fact that you’ve landed here with me is a promising sign that you’re ready to step into your light!
Are You Ready to explore the life of “something more” that you’ve been longing for?
Let’s get you back in touch with your true essence. The you that’s infinitely powerful, that’s magnificent and has wildly amazing gifts to share, that’s meant to light up the world.
Maybe you can feel this already but have no idea where to start.
You may even question the sanity of this feeling – how can you be so certain and confused at the same time?
Like the sun covered by clouds, you’re there and shining whether you can see it or not.
It’s a matter of seeing past the [mental] clouds to reveal who you really are.
Stop chasing externally and turn inward.
And what happens when you find your true self?
It’s not about accumulating or impressing.
The not so secret sauce is just to be yourself. And to be yourself you need to be in touch with your innermost truth. You see where I’m going with this.
All of what I offer is dedicated to helping you find this clarity & connection. From my humble heart to yours.
Upcoming Workshop
Monthly Heart Huddle workshops are 90 minute session that help you dive deeper into your own self-inquiry.
There is a short teaching portion followed by a guided discussion to help you look deeper within and uncover the parts of yourself that are ready for healing & growth.
Find connection with a community of like minded people who are also on this path of self-growth.
October’s workshop is about getting in touch with your true self.
How are you with your emotions and feelings? Are you okay with allowing anger, sadness, judgement, shame and other difficult emotions to arise or do you push them down? Can you let yourself experience happiness?
If you numb out on any emotion (positive or negative) you won’t be able to experience happiness or the truth of who you are in the fullest extent.
Join us for the exploration on emotional awareness and learn how to alleviate emotional suffering.
When: October 3, 2020 11am MST
Where: Virtual