You’ll want to keep this guided 10 minute meditation in your back pocket. Loving kindness meditation, one of my favorite meditations, expands your affinity for love and compassion so that you can love more openly towards others and most importantly, toward yourself. It will help you find your feet when life hits you at a high velocity or for those times when you push yourself too hard. It can be your channel to share your love out to the world for those times that your cup is overflowing with all the good things like love, joy, and gratefulness. And on top of it all, it reminds us that we are all connected to something bigger, that we are held and supported as we try to discover this world as humble humans. Jump to 6min 30seconds if you want to get right to it!
Break down to build up
Slow down, find your feet
Settle in, go inside
Beauty in breath
Tenderness is strength
Softness, better than a sharp tongue
You are not broken
You are amazing
Embrace the rubble
It’s beautiful to be human
You. Are. Amazing.
An outlet for beaming love and compassion
~ Namaste