Episode 142: Quick Guide To Intuitive Eating - Using Food To Deepen Your Inner Connection with Rachel Tu


Our relationship with food has become more complex than it needs to be. There’s a plethora of diets out there and even more information about what you should eat. One day eggs are good for you and the next they’re not. It’s confusing!

What’s even more confusing is that each diet restricts different things. The restricted foods are usually deemed as “untouchables” (I’m thinking about my good friend bread - completely refined carbohydrates….I love you so much).

But what if you lived in a world where you give yourself permission to eat whatever you want? Chips and chocolate cake are no longer synonymous with guilt. It’s not “indulgent” or “sinful” to have rich desserts.

Stay with me here. What I’m about to propose next is pretty radical…

Also, WHAT IF allowing yourself to eat whatever you want can even deepen your spiritual practice? Like, Cheetos can help with your spiritual growth??

Hey, I’m happy to live in a world where I get to hangout with bread whenever I want and not feel bad for it. I probably won’t eat it everyday but even just having the option to feels liberating.

Cue in this amazing thing called Intuitive Eating. Apparently spiritual Cheetos can become a reality!

I’m so glad to have Rachel Tu on this episode because she teaches us how Intuitive Eating works and how to initiate it into our lives right away.

Rachel is a busy new mom, registered dietitian, yoga teacher and creator of Food, Flow, Thought. She has worked in community health care for over 5 years and is passionate in helping others find food freedom and heal their body image to help decrease the prevalence of eating disorders. She integrates yoga in her counseling through her training and research in trauma-informed yoga, Yoga Nidra and embodied yoga.

In this episode Rachel teaches us about what Intuitive Eating is and how it can help deepen our mindfulness, yoga and spiritual practice. The cool thing about Rachel is that Food, Flow, Thought is her side hustle. This woman is an inspiring example of how you can totally love your day job and also branch off to create something to express a different side of you without having to choose on over another. We get to hear her story of how she landed in a place where she’s so in love with everything that she does.

This one’s a great one! It can also make you feel super good about eating bread or chocolate cake so what are you waiting for? Grab the earbuds and listen in!

Topic Summary:

- How can you know that the work you’re doing is aligned to what you’re meant to do?

- Connection between mindfulness, yoga and intuitive eating

-What is intuitive eating and how can it help us live more joyfully

- Intuitive eating vs. mindful eating

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