Episode 114: 3 Things To Know About The Enneagram w/ Sarah Hamilton

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Personality tests are fantastic tools to help us in self-discovery, self understanding and self acceptance. Not only that but it can also help with our understanding of each other as well…perhaps even to accept and embrace each other’s uniqueness.

The Enneagram is no exception. It’s been very popular especially among the yoga, self help and spiritual communities for a while now. It’s based on 9 personality types that are portrayed in a geometrical shape. The shape illustrates the rich, diverse and intricate interconnection between all personalities.

It’s a helpful tool for helping understand your unique tendencies. It also shows you what your shadows are.

….but for me it’s so complex! Some people totally understand it and others, like me, are mainly confused. But I want to know more! That’s why I invited Sarah Hamilton, Enneagram expert, onto the show to teach us!

Sarah Hamilton quit clinical medicine seventeen years ago to live a fuller life. Today, she’s the founder of WildWomanUnleashed and strives to guide and inspire women to reconnect with their authentic nature so that they can flourish with lives of balance, passion and fulfillment.

Plug in those earbuds and get ready for some self-discovery!

PS. Okay, I need to put this out there - as much as I love personality tests and find them to be so much fun, I also need to say that at the end of the day nobody and nothing gets to dictate who you really are except for yourself. These tests are tools to support you along the journey of self-discovery and is not the be all end all to who you are and what you should do. You’re the ultimate decider that.

Topic Summary:

  • What is the Enneagram?

  • How can it help you (benefits)

  • 3 things you need to know about the Enneagram to get started

  • Sarah explains her own personality (9-7-4) as an example


I’m still learning what it means but here’s what I got! Apparently I’m a “gentle spirit”


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Episode 113: Understanding Yogic Nadis - The Energetic Lines In Your Body with Sytera Field

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There’s so much to learn about our bodies and the mind body connection! For example, did you know that we have thousands of intricate lines of energy running through our bodies? You’ve probably heard it by one of these names: prana, chi, meridian, sen, fascia lines or NADIS.

Every part of ourselves is interconnected and the more we understand about this interconnection, the more power we have to improve our well-being.

Sytera Field is a dancer, artist, yoga teacher and creator of the yoga massage “Nadi Ball” that helps you release blockages from the lines of energy in your body.

It was so exciting to talk to her about the nadis because she brings such a tangible approach.

“you can think of it as pressure points and energetic lines or as connective tissues that transports fluids and information from the brain” she says as she encourages listeners to physically feel the interconnection within their own bodies.

Sytera shares so much with us but I think the coolest information that I learned is how she describes the chakras in our bodies. The way she describes it, it makes chakras sound almost touchable, which in a way it is.

If you’re intrigued about the functionality of the body, energy and the mind-body connection then you gotta listen to this one! It was so cool and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it.

Okay, plug in those earbuds and let’s go!


  • Benefits of yoga in terms of grounding and energy

  • Understanding the Nadis - the energy lines in your body

  • Applying knowledge of nadis for emotional release

  • Applying knowledge of Nadis to release body pain

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Episode 112: Stop Burning Out! Utilize Play and Creativity to Work A Whole Lot Less with Lisa Murray

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Lisa Murray, Business + Creativity Coach and the founder of Creative Alchemi, has a fantastic vision to make living into a playful, satisfying adventure rather than a predictable daily grind. 

…and she knows about the daily grind. She herself has experienced burnout three times in her life. It happened so many times because she didn’t know to even identify her state as “burnout”. The thing is, you can get so used to being in a certain state that you’re not aware that something is wrong.

Burnout feels and looks different for everyone. One common determining factor, and also what distinguishes burnout from general fatigue, is that it feels the same way day in and day out. Fatigue is temporary and you eventually get your energy back.

What’s riveting is what the burnout can be telling you. As Lisa learned, one reason why you may burnout is because you’re dishonoring your soul….you’re dishonoring who you really are and it’s trying to point you in the right direction.

In this episode, Lisa shares with us what she’s learned about burnout, creativity and play. Burnout can be a sign of dishonoring your soul and creativity and play are outlets to allow you fully express yourself. Understanding each of these elements can bring a whole lot more ease into your life! 

At the deeper layer lies a conversation about self worth, owning who you really are and honoring the full expression of yourself and your soul. 

Listen in to see what the connection is between burnout, creativity, play and how to use them to your advantage!

Topic Summary:

  • Burnout - what it looks like, why you burnout

  • Creativity - creative energy is life energy

  • Play - what the heck even is play?? Why do it, how to do it

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Episode 111: The Wisdom Of 2019 - Trust Yourself, You Are Worthy & Self Acceptance Is The Key


I love doing the year end episodes where I compile the wisdom from each interview of the previous year. Usually there are a few strong themes that emerge. This year was no exception. The Wisdom of 2019 lends 4 main lessons for us to utilize. Coincidentally, they all kind of match!

This year’s wisdom is:

1. Trust in yourself and your experiences.  Your intuition will never lead you astray.

2. The universe wants for you what you want for yourself.  Understand that getting to what you desire is a process and have patience in knowing that it might not happen overnight.  Know that it's unfolding and get out of your own damn way!

3.  We get in our own way by thinking that we're not worthy of what we want or that we're not enough.  Well, the truth is that you are enough and that you are worthy. Stop waiting for other people’s permissions for going after what YOU want!

4. To feel more worthy, practice self-acceptance, self-love and give yourself space to integrate. (Seriously, it all comes back to self love!)

A final BONUS message:

It's never too late to go after what you want.  And what you want is not too wild.  So go for it and trust that you can figure it out because you can!

Use this episode often as your energy boost of inspiration!

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Episode 110 BITE SIZED: 6 Simple Steps To Start Living The Life You Desire This Year

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January has a certain air of renewal and possibility about it. It feels very “the world’s your oyster”!! 

No matter what happened last year, you now have an opportunity for new beginnings, bigger possibilities, and new perspectives to work through what you're working through.

Technically you can choose to begin anew at anytime but there’s something to be said about the energy that happens when the entire world welcomes a new year together.

That’s why I always do a New Years Intention and Goal Setting Ritual. I want to bank in on this energy of possibility and call in wonderful new opportunities for the New Year!

When it comes to goal setting, I’ve always done it for as long as I can remember. Might not be much of a surprise considering that I was Type A, studious and craved achievement. My goal setting has evolved so much over the years - from to-do lists, to smart goals and finally something more heart centered that really hits home. It’s not so much about what I’ll achieve or own by the time I’m 40, 45, 50…122 or whatever. No, I’ve learned to ditch the to-do lists. They don’t lead to happiness. Trust me.

I take a more heart centered approach these days and get to the root of the matter first before I start ticking off check boxes. I know what it’s like to bark up the wrong tree and become depleted of energy and joy.

In this episode, I share with you 6 Simple Steps that you can take to set your New Years intentions so that you can start living the life that you desire.


If you want a supportive group to do this with, join me for a 2 hour Virtual New Year Desire Map Workshop on Saturday January 11, 2020. 

We'll come together to celebrate what helped you grow, let go of what doesn't serve and set heart centered intentions for 2020.


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Episode 108: Strategies To Bring Your Ideas To Life with Ariane Schuessler


This episode is just in the nick of time! As we approach a brand new year, goals and vision setting is on many of our minds. We think about what we desire and the life that we truly want to live.

This episode isn’t about goal setting though. It’s about bringing your ideas to life!

The only way to make your dreams a reality is to start taking action on your ideas. Good ideas can sit around for years...or even lifetimes, without ever being brought into reality. This happens for so many reasons - aside from sheer fear stopping you from taking action (self doubt, overwhelm, insecurity…)

you can also get stuck if you have a bunch of ideas and don’t know which one to go with. Or for some people, time was never taken time to get clear on their idea so it eventually became a pipe dream.

Ariane Schuessler, Creative Clarity Coach, is here to tell you that

It’s never too late, an idea is never too crazy and you have to trust in your own strength!

Ariane is a German Canadian who currently resides in Black Forest in Germany. Having tried everything from pottery to herbology and even art therapy, she knows a thing or two about creativity. She loves helping women who have many creative ideas but are uncertain on how to bring them to life.

In this episode, we have a marvelous conversation about the aliveness of creativity and how pertinent it is for creating joy in our lives. We also discuss ideas, clarity, intuition and overcoming fears to help bring your brightest ideas to life.

Plug in those earbuds and fuel up with inspiration to TAKE ACTION!

Topic Summary:

  • What’s creativity and why it’s important to have in your life

  • Where do people get stuck with their ideas

  • Common fears for pursuing an idea

  • Overcoming fears

  • Trusting intuition

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Episode 106: Use Core Energetics Help With Shadow Self and Negative Beliefs Stuck In Your Body with Isha Vela


Cognitively understanding something may not be enough to release all painful thoughts because trauma also gets stuck in our bodies. It’s important to look at the mind-body connection to understand our whole selves.

This is what Isha Vela, psychologist and Core Energetics practitioner, realized this after becoming direly ill during her second pregnancy. Although she was well studied in psychology (the cognitive part) old trauma kept resurfacing. This prompted her to discover that trauma also gets stuck in our bodies and we need to take a holistic approach to alleviate it.

In this episode, Isha talks to us about Core Energetics, shadow self and reconnecting back to your true self.

Topic Summary:

  • What is Core Energetics

  • How negative experiences are also stored in our bodies

  • Shadow Self, Higher Self and Shame

  • How to come back to your authentic self

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Episode 104: Using Story to Heal + Transform Your Life with Anjanette Fennell


Storytelling is transformational because it helps you move from one place of knowing and understanding to another

Anjanette Fennell is a literary coach and agent who finally found her calling when she combined her passion for writing with her compulsion to help others find and honor their own voice. The way she sees it, “storytelling is spiritual and we have the power to tweak or completely shift our story on a daily basis.”

In this evocative episode, Anjanette shares with us her iteration of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and we have an exceptional discussion about how just merely knowing about these steps can lighten any struggle or challenge that you’re currently facing; and more powerful yet, how telling/writing your story can help you through to the other end of transformation. In between, there are mighty nuggets of wisdom about surrender, facing the dark places and moving through change.

Topic Summary:

  • The 5 steps of a story: opening scene, inciting incident (you saw and now you can’t un-see), messy middle, final battle, transformation

  • How to use the steps of a story to help you through struggles in your own life

  • How telling/writing your story can help you through transformation

  • How even writing fiction stories can be healing

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Episode 100: 5 Ways To JUST START Going For What You Want



Thank you so much for coming along with me on this journey, it has been an incredible one! There is much to be celebrated this month - not only have we made it to episode 100, but it’s also Curious Monki’s anniversary month and also happens to be my birthday month.

With all of these big milestones, I can’t help but become a little reflective. That day when I purchased my first mic, I had no idea what kind of a journey I was in for and how many opportunities were going to come from going for what I truly wanted. I wish there was a word for to describe how extremely achingly grateful I am - for the lessons that cracked me open, for the

connections, for the guests that continuously floor me with how many amazing people there are out there….for the flow of life that’s brought me to a place of alignment that I never imagined (even though I kept trying to force my way to where I thought I was supposed to go). WOW. WOW. WOW.

There’s a lot here and we NEED to celebrate this! I’ve got two ways to celebrate:

  1. I’m going to share with you the biggest lesson that I’ve learned along doing these 100 episodes and teach you 5 Tools/Tips that you can concretely apply to your own life so that you can get started on that thing that’s been calling out to you!

  2. I’m going to do a GIVEAWAY FOR A MONTH OF FREE COACHING (3 sessions). I feel more aligned with my North Star than I ever have been before and I’m ugly cry grateful for finding this place. I get to help others find what their hearts are calling out for and have the courage to go for it so that they can blossom into the fullest version of themselves (whaaaat).

    I know that the target moves and alignment with our inner truth is a fluid dance. But for now This. Is. It.. This is it for me - it’s what I’m meant to do!! So I need to share this out with the world!!

    For details on how to enter, listen to this episode or visit my Instagram @curiousmonki

I’ll draw for 3 winners at the end of the month on Nov 30th.

Topic Summary:

  • The story of how I started this podcast (including the time that I totally quit because I was scared)

  • Just starting [that thing that you’re being called to do] is the single most impactful step that you can take but what can you do if you’re caught up in the details or needing to get things right (in other words, paralyzed by fear)?

  • 5 Tools/Tips to help motivate to JUST START going for what you want already!

  • Moving through the fear of starting is a practice. A lesson that needs to be relearned again and again. Each time you move through the discomfort you get stronger.

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Episode 99: How Craniosacral Therapy Can Help - From Anxiety & Low Energy to Tight Shoulders & Locked Jaws with Lucille Rayner

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Lucille Rayner is a fellow yogi and local Calgarian who has studied and worked in the natural health industry for over ten years. Yoga, meditation, and chi kung (also spelled qigong) are all part of her practices. Today, she’s best known as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist.

If you’re wondering what that even is, then perfect, you’ve landed into the right episode! In a nutshell, Craniosacral therapy is a bodywork modality that uses light touch therapy and your body’s own intelligence to help you re-balance physically, mentally and emotionally (they’re all connected as you’ll learn). Through very gentle touch, Craniosacral Therapy helps support and

reorganize body, tissues and balances the central nervous system.

Lucille goes into way more depth about how this works and the benefits that it can have. She explains the mind-body connection and how mental and emotional pain also shows up physically and vice versa. This actually leads us to a super fun pit stop in talking about the fascia and how the whole fascial system is like those ropey web playground structures that kids play on. If a child sits on one side, the whole structure is tugged and misshapen to support their weight. Experiences that we go through are held in our fascial system. When we strain a part of our body, the entire fascial system (that’s like the web where everything is interconnected) gets tugged and manipulated to support this strain.

Plug in those earbuds and listen to the episode to hear about our mind-body connection!

Topic Summary:

  • What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and how does it work

  • Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

  • Mind-body connection (there’s always a connection between how you feel and what’s going on in your body)

  • Fascia and the importance it plays in your body

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Episode 96: How To Heal Your Shadow Self with Amanda JP Brown

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"Everything I ever been ashamed of, was part of me, a powerful part of me, because it was my forge, my place of creation and learning to own and love of the disowned and rejected pieces of myself was where my power resided."

Former trauma therapist, Amanda JP Brown, was once a high school drop out and drug user who struggled with shame, self confidence and loving herself. Today, she is an author, speaker, and coach who guides women to walk through their

darkness and reclaim the disowned pieces of themselves so they can stand confidently in their power. Her journey has led her to write her book,You're Brave Enough: 8 Daily Practices to be Your Own HERO.

No knight in shining armor is coming to save you. Even if he did, how can he save you from the thoughts and beliefs you use to belittle and judge yourself? You hold all the power to change your life. No one can do it for you”

In this episode, we have a lively and meaningful conversation about judgement, shame, self-rejection; self-acceptance, self-love and personal power.

We all have shadow parts to ourselves, it’s part of being human - but it doesn’t mean that we’re meant to suffer with them our whole lives. Plug in those earbuds to absorb the insight on how to heal your shadow self!

Topic Summary:

  • What is judgement, shame, self-rejection and how to deal with these difficult emotions

  • How to heal your shadow self with forgiveness and self acceptance

  • When is it safe to share your story

  • Story of how Amanda was called to write Brave Enough


Episode 73: What does it really mean to live your truth?

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Episode 92: You Develop Self-Worth By Choosing That You're Worthy with Lina Carvajal


Lina Carvajal is an engineer turned banker turned Art Therapist, Life Coach and Counsellor. She’s gone from being stuck (more than once) in a life that looked great on the outside but felt completely misaligned on the inside. This is a story of how she found her way out of the ruts and into a life that she loves.

Lina also shares the valuable wisdom that she gathered about self-worth and self-love - the two things that were most impactful in her transformation.

Listen in for golden nuggets on how to get over “not good enough” and “not worthy” and into a place of total enough-ness and worthiness.

In Lina’s potent words:

“You Choose If You’re Worth Or Not”

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Episode 88: Are You Breathing Correctly? Functional Breathing Can Reduce Stress, Anxiety & Pain with Marco Tesi


“You can change your whole life with your breath”

I couldn’t agree more with the statement above! In yoga, we refer to breath as pranayam. Translated from sanskrit it means “life force”, which makes absolute sense as our breath, in essence, is our life force. Stop breathing and you stop living.

The way I’ve taught my students about the importance of breath in class is that the simple act of changing your breath can alter your entire physiology (body response) which in turn changes the way you feel > your thoughts > beliefs > actions > and ultimately your life because your life is made up of the actions, beliefs and thoughts that you create. Lengthen your breathe to soothe your nervous system, release the tension from your body and make better choices. Fragment your breath and you’ll create more anxiety and stress in your body.

In this episode, we get to talk to Marco Tesi about the epic power of breath and how to use it to reduce stress, anxiety and pain. He approaches the topic from a Sports Science background which is exciting because he rounds out what yogis have known about breath for centuries with the physiology and functionality of it all. It just make so much sense when he explains it! Marco shares so many important nuggets that need to be applied for our lives for better living. For example, it’s all about functionality and balance! Short breaths can save your life or they can give you a panic attack. It all depends on what you’re doing. Our body system isn’t rigid, it’s meant to flow and pivot with whatever situation is currently facing us. Okay, before I spoil it all, plug in those earbuds and listen in!

Marco is the creator of Respiro Breathing technique and has helped over a hundred people overcome chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, anxiety and other challenges through breathing techniques.

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Episode 87: Use Discomfort To Live A Life You Love with Melanie Scott

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The entirety of this episode can be summed up with one simple quote from our conversation:

“Getting uncomfortable is the key to growth, change and fulfillment”

Melanie Scott, Intuitive Business Strategist, has a mission to empower women to wake up, connect to their truth, and to reflect to them what's possible. 

Her own story of how she came to live a life she loves revolves around discomfort.  Basically, she was feeling so uncomfortable living in the box of “should” that she made a drastic move to live in Italy.  It was there that she learned to get in touch with her true self.  She became aware, conscious and learned how to feel her emotions (skills that aren’t usually taught to us, certainly not in school).  In connecting to her soul (her true essence) she was able to find her calling.

There are SO many motivating messages in this episode!  With great passion, Melanie tells us to lean into the things that make us feel uncomfortable.  She challenges us to question what the discomfort is really about – is a bear literally chasing us and we should run or are we scared of being judged so we don’t show up for what we’re meant to do. 

“In order for transformation to occur, you need to go through it”.

We also talk about other important ingredients to create a life you love like energy, alignment, and self worth.  Plug in those earbuds!  Melanie’s exhilaration for getting out there and answering your call is contagious.  Use it to get motivated and take action!

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Episode 86: THE HUSTLE SERIES - Doing Business For A Social Cause. Becoming a Social Entrepreneur with Carlie Rioux


And for our final story….

A social entrepreneur is somebody who does business for a social cause. Their bottom line includes profit as well as the improvement upon the world, especially the lives of people who are connected to the cause.

Local YYC movement maker, Carlie Rioux, is a social entrepreneur who started an international fashion company to change the lives of hundreds of women. Using an innovative beach bag design to fuel the show, Carlie is supporting local artists, loving the environment and saving lives of women who are victims of human trafficking.

The driving force behind Carlie’s cause to keep women safe stems from a childhood experience in Tiajuana where she first witnessed what poverty looked like. It was further magnified through a number of traumatic experiences she experienced as a young adult.

We don’t talk about this social issue because it’s so uncomfortable but according to Carlie, human trafficking doesn’t exist only in developing countries. It also happens to be the fastest growing industry in Canada (yes, Canada! Seriously! My eyeballs could’ve dropped to the ground when I first heard. I had to ask her to confirm several times because I couldn’t believe it). Victims are usually in a physically, socially, or economically vulnerable position. When she read the research, a pivotal thought dawned on her:

“If she - a privileged citizen of a safe first world country, could be attacked by men multiple times in her life, then what about girls who live in more dangerous places? Who is looking out for them?”

She knew that she had to step up and do something. Through further research, Carlie learned that providing work for women who came from human trafficking was the best way to help them stay out of it. In our talk, Carlie share with us how she was able to step up for her cause and keep going despite imposter syndrome and a whole slew of other fears.

Listen in to see how this girl from the prairies created an international company that shines so bright for the world.  

PS. If you’re just joining in, this is an episode of the special mini series,The Hustle Series. September is like a second new year where we get to establish new routines, refresh goals and create new dreams. Taking full advantage of this new energy, fresh start vibe, I’ve collected stories of amazing individuals wh

o took the courage and leaped for their heart calling.  As a result, they're now making riveting impact on positive change around the world.

They tell us about what it really took to make their vision a success - triumphs, trials and everything in between. They share candidly about how they figured out their heart calling was in the first place and what they leaned on to get this far. We especially dive deep and get real about the challenges they’ve faced. Oftentimes, we hear success stories about how there was a challenge and then ta-da! they made it….but what happened in the middle? It’s the sticky part that’s the thick of it and where we can use the most support when going for these endeavors.

The times when things seem hopeless and we’re about to throw in the towel. Maybe you run out of money and you literally can’t pay the bills. How do you know if you should keep trying? How do you manage when you wake up feeling like everything is a complete wash?

I’m so grateful to these individuals who graciously share the sticky parts of their journey with us. We learn so much from hearing about their passion, will and deep sense of resolve to follow their heart calling. Of course, we celebrate their triumphs with them cheer them on as they keep on going!

For you, I hope that these stories can be your anchor and inspiration as you daringly go for your dreams!

If you haven’t caught the first three episodes yet, go and listen to it now!

Episode 83 with Lyndsay Morris who has started a movement to get mindfulness into schools across America.

Episode 84 with Mandy Balak who started a national movement across Canada to help entrepreneurial women Rise Up

Episode 85 with Ingrid Huffman who’s working fearlessly operates a healing ranch to help US veterans reconnect with their happiness

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Episode 85: THE HUSTLE SERIES - Follow Your Yes with Ingrid Huffman


Next, we have…..

Ingrid Huffman, founder of Blue Winds Dancing Ranch. After serving in both the US Navy and Army Nurse Corps, ingrid came to a point where her life just didn't work anymore.  She experienced PTSD and felt like she was “flapping in the wind”. All she knew was that she had a desire for something different...something more.  As she followed her yes's, she was guided to become a shaman and start a non profit Ranch where she helps veterans reconnect with themselves by connecting through nature.

Today she happily lives on a ranch with happy horses, goats, cows, ducks….and spends her time running programs to help veterans “re-member “ themselves. All Ingrid knew when she was younger was that she was called to be a nurse. Now she runs three separate businesses…or when it comes to Blue Winds Dancing Ranch, in her words “I’m not just starting a business, I’m starting a movement”.

In this episode, Ingrid shares the story of how she made this vision a success. One of the takeaways that most resonates with me is that she clearly sees how every single experience of her life has guided her to where she is now; and how she also got here by heeding to the yes’s that her intuition called out for.

Plug in those earbuds and listen in!

PS. If you’re just joining in, this is an episode of the special mini series,The Hustle Series. September is like a second new year where we get to establish new routines, refresh goals and create new dreams. Taking full advantage of this new energy, fresh start vibe, I’ve collected stories of amazing individuals who took the courage and leaped for their heart calling.  As a result, they're now making riveting impact on positive change around the world.

They tell us about what it really took to make their vision a success - triumphs, trials and everything in between. They share candidly about how they figured out their heart calling was in the first place and what they leaned on to get this far. We especially dive deep and get real about the challenges they’ve faced. Oftentimes, we hear success stories about how there was a challenge and then ta-da! they made it….but what happened in the middle? It’s the sticky part that’s the thick of it and where we can use the most support when going for these endeavors.

The times when things seem hopeless and we’re about to throw in the towel. Maybe you run out of money and you literally can’t pay the bills. How do you know if you should keep trying? How do you manage when you wake up feeling like everything is a complete wash?

I’m so grateful to these individuals who graciously share the sticky parts of their journey with us. We learn so much from hearing about their passion, will and deep sense of resolve to follow their heart calling. Of course, we celebrate their triumphs with them cheer them on as they keep on going!

For you, I hope that these stories can be your anchor and inspiration as you daringly go for your dreams!

If you haven’t caught the first episode yet, go and listen to it now! Episode 83 with Lyndsay Morris who has started a movement to get mindfulness into schools across America.

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Episode 84: THE HUSTLE SERIES - Fail Faster + Grow with Mandy Balak


Next, we have…..

Mandy Balak, founder of YYC Date Night and Ace Class, spends her days both saving relationships from dull monotonous routines AND building an empire of women who rise together. With presence in six major cities across Canada, Ace Class has built a brilliantly bright community where female leaders grow and thrive together.


When I first learned about Ace Class, I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Bright, beautiful and refreshingly strong women getting together - YES!

It’s awe inspiring to witness the end product of Mandy’s visions, but what’s even more fascinating is how this vision came alive and stayed alive! I’m so excited for you to listen to Mandy’s story as she courageously and vulnerably (Brene Brown fans will know these two absolutely go together and we totally talk about that in this episode) takes us through the ups and downs in her journey. Included is the story of how she figured her way out of a life that she was unhappy in and into one that she actually desired; her major failures and how she got through the sticky middle; and her big lesson about vulnerability.

Plug in those earbuds and get ready to re-invigorate your kick ass vibes!

PS. If you’re just joining in, this is the second episode of the special mini series,The Hustle Series. September is like a second new year where we get to establish new routines, refresh goals and create new dreams. Taking full advantage of this new energy, fresh start vibe, I’ve collected stories of amazing individuals who took the courage and leaped for their heart calling.  As a result, they're now making riveting impact on positive change around the world.

They tell us about what it really took to make their vision a success - triumphs, trials and everything in between. They share candidly about how they figured out their heart calling was in the first place and what they leaned on to get this far. We especially dive deep and get real about the challenges they’ve faced. Oftentimes, we hear success stories about how there was a challenge and then ta-da! they made it….but what happened in the middle? It’s the sticky part that’s the thick of it and where we can use the most support when going for these endeavors.

The times when things seem hopeless and we’re about to throw in the towel. Maybe you run out of money and you literally can’t pay the bills. How do you know if you should keep trying? How do you manage when you wake up feeling like everything is a complete wash?

I’m so grateful to these individuals who graciously share the sticky parts of their journey with us. We learn so much from hearing about their passion, will and deep sense of resolve to follow their heart calling. Of course, we celebrate their triumphs with them cheer them on as they keep on going!

For you, I hope that these stories can be your anchor and inspiration as you daringly go for your dreams!

If you haven’t caught the first episode yet, go and listen to it now! Episode 83 with Lyndsay Morris who has started a movement to get mindfulness into schools across America.

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Episode 83: THE HUSTLE SERIES - Creating A Movement For World Peace with Lyndsay Morris


Can you believe it, we’re already into the last two weeks of August! I’m not ready for the summer fun to be over but at the same time I’m excited for the Fresh Start vibes that are upon us.

September is like a second new year where we get to establish new routines, refresh goals and create new dreams. Taking full advantage of this new energy, fresh start vibe, I’ve created a special series for you! In this The Hustle series, I’m releasing one story each week from now until September. These are stories of amazing individuals who took the courage and leaped for their heart calling.  As a result, they're now making riveting impact on positive change around the world.  

They tell us about what it really took to make their vision a success - triumphs, trials and everything in between. They share candidly about how they figured out their heart calling was in the first place and what they leaned on to get this far. We especially dive deep and get real about the challenges they’ve faced. Oftentimes, we hear success stories about how there was a challenge and then ta-da! they made it….but what happened in the middle? It’s the sticky part that’s the thick of it and where we can use the most support when going for these endeavors.

The times when things seem hopeless and we’re about to throw in the towel. Maybe you run out of money and you literally can’t pay the bills. How do you know if you should keep trying? How do you manage when you wake up feeling like everything is a complete wash?

I’m so grateful to these individuals who graciously share the sticky parts of their journey with us. We learn so much from hearing about their passion, will and deep sense of resolve to follow their heart calling. Of course, we celebrate their triumphs with them cheer them on as they keep on going!

For you, I hope that these stories can be your anchor and inspiration as you daringly go for your dreams!

Lyndsay Morris kicks off the first of this series

Lyndsay founder of Generation Wellness, creator of The Mindful Student Online Platform and the host of the Wellness Warrior Show. She’s committed to whole child education and teaching peace around the world through mindfulness practices, cutting-edge social/emotional techniques and fun, interactive activities.

She started off as a 4th grade teacher, then school counselor and eventually realized that the school system was missing a huge part of wellness for children. The system builds academics and achievements but doesn’t teach anything by way of how to be happy or how to find intrinsic motivation. Lyndsay saw a need to include the mental and emotional well-being as a child. She’s created a whole movement of wellness practices for school to help children find peace! The goal of Generation Wellness is to be in every single school in North America by 2023!

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Episode 82: How To Create Habits That Actually Stick with Elizabeth Sherman

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Here’s a question - why is it so hard to develop good habits like eating healthy even when we know what’s good for us? Or even more intriguing - what makes some behaviors stick even when it gets hard (ex. eating healthy even while on vacation…that’s some major willpower) versus habits that slide right off at the first sight of difficulty?

Elizabeth Sherman, Executive Health Coach, has been pondering this question for the last decade. Over the past 12 years, she’s helped hundreds of people achieve optimal health for them through staying consistent with the basics, getting a little bit better every day, and having self-compassion on those days when we thing we ‘should’ be more. Lucky for us, she’s here to share her findings with

with us in this episode! The topic of health & fitness, and in specific, healthy habits first dawned on her after her mother had passed away from breast cancer. Elizabeth was motivated to understand how she could stay as healthy as possible. As she puts it, she thought that

“once I found that magic pill, everything would be easy”

Sorry to break it to you, but there’s no magic pill. But what she found does come in as a close second! She discovered that the brain (mindset) is crucial when it comes to being healthy. We can extend that into something even more concrete and say that forming healthy habits is all about how we wire our brain.

While our examples revolve around habits for health, you can take the principles that Elizabeth shares and extend it into any good habit that you want to develop - relationships, work or self care. Here’s my take on habits:

  • Good habits for health are crucial to every part of your life because it’s one of the drivers of your energy. Energy is one of the most important commodities that you have so do everything that you can to keep it up. Without energy, you end up as a potato! You feel slow, foggy, and unmotivated to create a life you love. With energy, you can take life by the horns and go live vibrantly!

  • Creating any good habit will help you live in ease and flow! Imagine all the brainpower you save when you just get up and workout in the morning without having to think about it. Or that you get up and slip right into meditation and start the day off just the way you want. Even simpler yet, maybe it’s something like taking out the trash every time you leave the house - like a well oiled machine. No pep talk needed, no extra energy spent on remembering…then forgetting…then berating yourself for forgetting….

I used myself as the guinea pig with my issue of not being able to wake up early even though I really want to. Elizabeth quickly revealed a few possible limiting beliefs and helped me flip it - a technique that you can apply too.

Okay so in summary, this episode is all about setting habits that stick. Elizabeth tells us why sheer willpower or even setting our environment up for success (ex. laying out your gym clothes the night before) isn’t the key. She shares the number one most important thing when it comes to actually making a habit work. I can’t wait for you to listen in - what she shares will make your life a lot easier!

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Episode 81: Why You Should Do Kundalini Yoga with Victoria Amore

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There are many tools and practices out there that help us understand ourselves through our mind and bodies, but not very many that can help us understand ourselves through our subtle energy body. This is where Kundalini Yoga comes in! This practice is all about aligning your energy body so that you can flow as a whole being. When you get to know yourself through your energy, you increase your capability to process emotions. You also have one more access point to understand where you may be depleted or blocked. Personally, I’ve never felt a shift so strongly

as I did when I (accidentally) took a Kundalini class at the Bali Festival. I’d never felt strongly emotional during a yoga class before but at that moment when we let the vibration of our collective mantra chanting sink in, I couldn’t help but let a tear roll down my cheek because that feeling of “oneness” was so strong. That’s when I started to get curious about Kundalini…

In this episode, we get to learn from Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher + Gong Sound Healer, Victoria Amore. Her passion is bringing the ancient technology and wisdom into our modern lives.. Obsessed with the Moon and the power of being a woman, Victoria’s deeply spiritual lifestyle has placed her in the presence, teaching and learning alongside some of the worlds renown spiritual teachers from many linages in India, LA, Peru and across Europe- all of which is intuitively woven into her teachings. 

Victoria had a similar bumpy experience with Kundalini in that she went into her first class expecting one thing but walked out with a completely different outcome. It was a good thing because it’s what’s led her to share this practice with so many people today! In specific, Victoria talks to us about the Kundalini energies which also includes the chakras. We learn about the benefits of this practice on an energetic & practical level.

Okay, plug in those earbuds! You may just get inspired to try something new ;)


For more about Kundalini Yoga, listen to Episode 67: "Weird" Practices in Kundalini Yoga Explained with Sat Shakti Kaur

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